Bollore committed to youth in fight against school drop with United Way Alliance
| 24/11/2020
#Earthtalent by Bolloré
#Educate #IledeFrance #SchoolDropout
EmployeesEngagement #UWA

United Way Alliance launched its Youth Challenge program on November 9th in several priority education institutions. The Bolloré Group, along with 21 other major French groups, has joined the association, which is calling for mobilization to reach the target of 15,000 young people accompanied by school dropout by 2020.

The Youth Challenge is one of UWA’s flagship programs that accompanies students throughout their academic career, from the 6th to the end of sponsorship and mentoring with with private, public and associative actors who are committed to collectively addressing priority issues in the territories.

The program aims to enable young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to project themselves confidently into the future and to express their talents with the acquisition of know-how and skills.

Through Earthtalent by Bolloré’e International patronage program for youth, this partnership offers all Group employees and affiliates the opportunity to participate actively and collectively in supporting education by acting at the heart of schools in priority neighbourhoods, at home or at a distance.

Mobilizing for youth empowerment has become a major global issue. According to Laurence Piccinin, “access to information related to careers and occupations, those of them who recruit today and those who will exist tomorrow, is not homogeneous. Social and territorial inequalities are strong on guidance topics too. Our actions are to help young people in priority territories get to know each other better and to better understand the opportunities available to them in order to inform and facilitate their trajectory.(1)” Multiplying the impact of UWA programs on young people through this format of interventions on a collective organized mode gives rise to a winning formula, because it changes the situation for young people.

Sources (1) : Interview croisée de Laurence Piccinin, déléguée générale de United Way L’Alliance, et Dorothée Van der Cruyssen, directrice mécénat du Groupe Bolloré.


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