Welcome to the association Proxité with which Earthtalent by Bolloré is proud to be committed for the next two years 2022-2024
| 24/05/2022
#Earthtalent by Bolloré
Mentoring #Proxité

Earthtalent is delighted to be associated with Proxité for the sponsorship project in Lille, Nantes and Toulouse. Proxité’s ambition is to accompany each young person from disadvantaged areas towards academic and professional success.

Mentoring pair set up and accompanied by Proxité: Ramine and Lionel.

Focus on the actions and support of Proxité’s pairs

Proxité‘s ambition is to accompany each young person from disadvantaged areas towards academic and professional success. We set up reception areas in the heart of the neighborhoods, individual mentoring and group workshops.

This support is a concrete response for young people who encounter difficulties in their schooling, their orientation and their professional integration and who are isolated in the face of these socio-cultural and psychological obstacles: lack of information, tools, network, social mix, but also self-censorship and lack of self-confidence or motivation. In collaboration with local socio-educational actors, a tailor-made accompaniment is proposed to the young people, whose contents and rhythm are adapted to their needs, demands and career path.


Mentoring pairing set up and accompanied by Proxité: Kellys and Marine.

Mentoring pairs set up by Proxité: Ibrahima and Marie-Hélène.

Mentoring pairing set up and accompanied by Proxité: Hossam and Alexis.

Mentoring pairs set up and accompanied by Proxité: Samira and Elizabeth.

By creating links between different actors in the same territory, Proxité contributes to the reinforcement of social links in the neighborhoods where the association is located.

The association accompanies young people from the 6th grade to professional integration, in difficulty or at risk of dropping out of school, mostly residents of priority neighborhoods of the City Policy, and referred by the structures of the Social Aid for Children, schools, professional integration organizations and other social organizations. Since 2002, 6,500 young people have been supported.

Through Bolloré Logistics, the Bolloré Group is supporting the “Leverage for the development of sponsorship in Lille, Nantes and Toulouse” project for the two years 2022-2024. The project consists in creating social links and supporting young people by creating sponsorship pairs. This pairing is created with a sponsor, all volunteers and active in the working world. Thus, a sponsorship manager meets each young person and each sponsor beforehand, forms pairs that correspond to each other, undertakes regular follow-up, and provides advice and educational resources throughout the life of the pair.

Key numbers

Some 2021-2022 impact figures:


of young people have found their orientation


of young people obtained the training, work-study program or job they wanted


of youth in school have improved their academic performance

Stéphane, Head of Middle Office Land Freight at Bolloré Logistics, is a mentor to Chiara, 12 years old, placed in a foster family in Drancy. He regularly accompanies this young person, whom he met through the association Proxité on the Be Earthtalent platform.

“In search of useful actions for my community (in addition to the missions I already carry out), I went on the Be Earthtalent platform to check if there were volunteer missions that could match my availability.

I found […] Proxité which proposes to sponsor a young person in the form of a mentorship.

So I became the mentor of Chiara, a 12 year old girl placed in a foster home in Drancy. After a first exchange on Google Meet, we agreed to meet every Wednesday evening to help her with her homework or revision. On the agenda: family members in German, English vocabulary and definitions, and the anatomy of the digestive system!

[…] Proxité offers guidance and support in the role of mentor in order to provide appropriate help to young people.

The interest for me is really the feeling of being useful. The smile or thank you received in return more than makes up for the time spent. There is a famous phrase that is totally illustrated here, “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving! “

Stéphane Smuk

Head of Middle Office Land Freight, Bolloré Logistics

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